Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog 8: Jan 8

Why No Internet Is Bad:
By Melissa

While we didn’t have internet (we still don’t have it) I realized how much I depend on the internet. We rely on it for so many things from Facebook to research. I absolutely love it. Today for some reason was particularly bad. I felt like I’d explode if I didn’t get on the internet. So far, I haven’t been on today. This is what happens when I don’t have internet:
·        I get bored
·        I get fidgety
·        I try to read and only get through 3 pages
·        I binge eat, a whole box of Mike n Ikes, chocolate ice cream (which I don’t even like), chocolate (ewwwww), and pistachios
·        I walk around the dining table because Im not sure what to do
·        I fall when I try opening doors
·        I count my ballet slippers (not that I needed to, there are only four)
·        I listen to Lady Gaga and ask her to fix my internet
·        I walk around in little circles to occupy myself but just end up dizzy

And now, because there is still no internet, I will go and eat more and then spin in circles.

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