Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog 11: Jan. 11: Boys in My house

Miss Music Teacher came to my class today to talk about some thing (specific right?) where some kids from the thing would need a place to stay overnight. Theyre hs students who go on this music tour thingy.Miss Music Teacher comes over to me and asks me "Melissa., would you like some boys to come stay at your house with you? ;D" I sat there staring at her with a mixture of "Did you just ask me to keep some boys overnight?" and "uhhhh no." on my face. Why would she ask me about boys? Specifically boys, not students boys. There was something funky bout that.. I dont want some random guys sleeping in my living room thank you very much. Eventually after what seemed like forever of us staring silently at one another she asked one of my best friends the same thing.

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