Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog 10: January 10: Awkward eye contact and spitting fish

So today we had a fieldtrip. It was rather windy which didnt please me, but it wasnt a boring, horrible fieldtrip. First, we went to this place. There were two people who were going to be our guides. We were all standing around waiting when the guides came out and started talking to our teachers. I, am a people watcher. I watch people from a distance and kind of fail at social interaction with strangers :) So I looked up to inspect our guides and of course I made awkward eye contact with one of the guides. I quickly looked away for ohhh thirty seconds. Then I looked up again and what happens? Thats right, awkward eye contact. And of course she was the guide for my group. Then were walking into some room and Spencer and I are talking. We turn around to the voice of our teacher saying something to us. We realized hed been walking two feet behind us and the first thing that came to my mind was STALKER. So I told him he was like a stalker. Miss Guide Lady was right there. And heard it all. More awkwardness on my part :)
Next stop, aquarium. Spencer got to see her cuttlefish, which are not cute. I got to see sea turtles, my relatives! Were from the family Slow. We also saw some sunfish which I now love! one of the sunfish kept spitting at a girl, it was adorale:))

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