Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog 7: Jan 7

Blog 7: Baby Monkey!

Still no dang internet. Its bugging the crap out of me. I need my daily dose of internet! Its my non-ice addiction! I need it, im so bored without it!! I should probably read 1984 instead of clicking the internet explorer icon every two minutes…
I don’t enjoy school on Fridays, they always seem so long. But something interesting did happen in every class:
  • First class: I learned what Pitbull is saying for the like last 30 seconds of The Anthem and what it meant. ;)
  • Second class: My hands died.
  • Third class: My legs forgot how to stop moving.
  • Fourth class: Baby Monkey!
If I had internet right now, I’d go look up baby monkey riding on a pig. That song is stuck in my head thanks to my English teacher! Today in class, he walks by my table and sings “Baby monkey!” Spencer and I turn and stare at each other before we started giggling. At the end of class he so kindly pulled out his iphone and played the video for us. He also showed the class his sock. It was Quicksilver and hugs your foot ‘right where you foot needs to be hugged’. Spencer should get socks like that because she likes foot hugs!
Like I already said, my hands ‘died’ in my second class. That particular class is in the music building which is always freezing. To me, it feels between 20 and 30 degrees. Its horrible and my hands hate it. I realized my pinky bent rather far back when its on the bow (for violin) so I had to point out my abnormality to my friend. After I put my bow down to find my popcorn I realized my hand was…well not alive looking. The fingers were purple and my palm was pale and white. That’s not normal. For the rest of the day my friends pointed out that my hands looked dead. Even after using Spencers warm packs, they still didn’t look alive!! My hands did not have a good day.
Should I be bothering the bug bite on my arm? Its really itchy and I don’t want it. It should leave so Im poking it, scratching it, hitting it with a Japanese dictionary and staring at it threateningly. But its still here!!

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