Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chemistry Homework sucks.

Chemistry homework officially sucks. I dont actually care about heat flow and specific heat. It can just go away. Why on earth would anyone want to write a page about this? This is not relevant to life. I dont go to Target and say 'hmmm I wonder what the specific heat of this shake it weight is *calculates*' ; I go to target and say 'oooooo shake it weight! *shake shakeshake shake shake*'

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Flash Mob!

Ever since I watched the Modern Family episode were Mitchell is part of a flash mob, I've wanted to do one. However, I never thought I would actually do one. Today, I was part of a flash mob!! It was a Zumba routine to Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) by Pitbull. I've been looking forward to this ever since the day my mom texted me in the middle of class saying our Zumba teacher was doing a flash mob. We performed at the Farmers Market and there were TONS of people! It was so much fun!!

Booty Ballet!

A couple of weeks ago I read an article on the top 5 fitness trends of 2011. The first was Boot Camp. Why? I do not know. Personally, I choose to stay far FAR away from anything that has a boot camp kinda feel. Second, were some weight things. I get enough weight training from carrying around my textbooks! Third was...uhh..lets just skip that. Fourth was Zumba (pretty sure they confused that and boot camp). And fifth was yoga booty ballet!!!
I really want to try this! Its a mix of yoga, ballet and dance (is ballet not a dance??). I took ballet when I was younger and last year. I was never good at it but it was definitely a lot of fun. I think that plus yoga would be pretty darn amazing!
I don't get this random 'booty' thrown in between 'yoga' and 'ballet'. Obviously it works your booty, but it works other muscles too! Why not call it Yoga Abs Ballet? Or Yoga -insert muscle name here- Ballet? I guess booty ballet is the most fun to say, "Hey I'm on my way to Booty Ballet!"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blueberry Cobbler!!!

Tonight, Im attempting to make a blueberry cobbler in a toaster over due to the fact OUR KITCHEN IS NON EXSITANT [THANKS A BUNCH HOME DEPOT]. Anyways, Ive got to find the simplest recipe out there because most kitchen items are lost in boxes of stuff :(

Hope this turns out well!!! I <3 blueberry cobbler!

Blog 15

So obviously I missed yesterday. I give up on this whole one blog a day thing XD
If I really wanted to I could have done one yesterday but I was on YouTube....

Oh well :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog 13: Jan 13: Baby loves to Dance in the Dark!

We got leotards for dance today!!! Yay!!! Spencer and I are so in ove with them!! We went and put them on and danced to Bad Romance and Telephone. Spencer, being Spencer, left her phone in the gym where there was an elective fair going on so our friend came to bring it to her. She opens up the door and sees us in lovely black leotards and yells YOU GUYS DONT HAVE PANTS! Its nine oclock and I still have my leotard on. Spencer probably does too. Except now we have pants over our leotards...

Blog 12: Jan 12: Spencer is Gaga?? What??

Spencer has come up with the conclusion that she is Lady Gaga. I asked her where my backstage passes and concert tickets were *cough cough* still waiting. Anyways we had a sub in English and once we finished our grammar work we played hangman. It ended up being a whole conversation.
I dont remember the exact convo but I know it was something along the lines of Lady gaga (duh) and the purrple teacup!